Testing Requirements
This web page describes testing requirements for both gups (i.e., testing candidates who are not black belts) and dans (i.e., black belts). Testing requirements are usually fairly rigid, but some flexibility has been provided in cases due to age or curriculum changes.
Gup Testing Requirements
The following table summarizes Gup Testing Requirements for Pinnacle Martial Arts. Requirements are cumulative. For example, testees for 4th Gup must demonstrate competency for all one-steps from 1-12 and all forms from Gi-Cho Hyung Il Bu to Pyung Ahn Sam Dan.
Traditionally, 9th Gup is designated by a stripe on the white belt. Due to the age of some practitioners, we felt it prudent to insert an additional belt to allow more development time if needed. When possible, the traditional transition (from white to white with a stripe to orange) is maintained.
Dan Testing Requirements
The following table describes the black belt testing requirements at Pinnacle Martial Arts. Requirements for self-defense have been somewhat relaxed in recent tests because they have been modified.